Friday, 16 December 2016

Fire and Safety - Lesson 2

Lesson 2
2.1 Essential Question:            
Ø  Do we need fire?
Ø  What are the uses of fire?
Ø  What are the hazards caused by fire?
Ø  How can we prevent fire hazards?
Ø  Can we exist without fire?
 2.2 Grouping Strategy:
             Team will comprise groups of 9 – 10 students of mixed gender, and mixed ability and skills. One of the goals is to promote teamwork in mixed ability groups so that higher ability students get opportunities for peer instruction, and lower ability students benefit from the more advanced collaboration that will arise from this.
 2.3 Learning Environment:
A group working area in the classroom will be set aside with tables and chairs to allow more effective interaction among team members. A classroom wall near the project area will be set aside to post paper materials collected during research. Computer labs will be used for the majority of the online work. Research notes will be recorded in computers/blogs. Some collaboration between students will take place through email/blog/whats’app.
 2.4Assessment Approach:
                2.41 Authentic Assessment:
Authentic tasks such as
1.       Word ‘Fire’ in English: its meaning, origin, derivation from other language.
2.       Uses & Hazards of fire: Survey and documentation.
3.       Demonstration Class – Prevention of Fire: Preventive and Precautionary measures; Fire Brigades, etc.
           2.42 Formative Assessment:
Regular feedback will be provided as the students work on internet and library research, surveys, assessment sheets, and presentation designs.        
 2.43 Summative Assessment:
Assessment will be conducted on
·         Team  portfolios in blogs/emails
·         PowerPoint presentation on Fire –
ü  Introduction to Fire: Origin, word meaning & derivation
ü  Uses/Advantages of Fire
ü  Threats/Hazards of Fire
ü  Prevention of Fire Hazards
ü  Human Beings & Fire
 2.44 Rubrics:
Rubrics will be used to assess:

§        Questionnaires
§         Surveys
§   Assessment Sheets
§         Mathematical Presentations
§          Final presentations
§         Blog     

2.45 Grading:
Project grades will be based on a combination of scores from assessments made during the project. A rubric will be used to compile grades.                     

Fire and Safety - Lesson 1

1.     Project Plan
Fire and Safety
(1.1)The Define Phase

This project is intended to allow class VII – C students to explore the following topics:
1.       The Origin of Fire; Word ‘Fire’, Its derivation
2.       Uses of Fire
3.       Threats or Hazards caused by Fire
4.       Prevention of Fire Hazards
5.       Human Beings and Fire
The students will work in small groups building knowledge in these curriculum areas, the project gives students the opportunity to develop specific 21st Century skills.

(1.12)Project Scope:
Students from class VII – C

Subjects involved: English and Science

Student research will be monitored and managed to avoid students going off track and out of scope.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
Class VII English Curriculum topics and standards related to this project:
·         Fire: Friend and Foe.
·         Origin of fire; Word ‘Fire’; Derivation from other Language.
·         Uses of Fire: In houses, industries, public, etc.
·         Threats or Hazards of Fire: Accidents, misuse, carelessness, etc.
·         Prevention of Fire Hazards: Measures, ways, methods, fire rescue, etc.
·         Human Beings and Fire: Aid, necessity, risk, safety, etc.

Methods of Separation

Sr .no
Different situations used at              home
Methods of separation used
Separating tea leaves from tea
Removing stones from rice
Remove the loosed peel of onion
Remove seeds from lemon juice
make butter milk from milk
Remove water from rice before grinding
Remove mud and dirt from drinking water
Sedimentaion , Decantation and Filtration

Separation of Substances - Lesson 7

Project Plan – Lesson 7

The Manage Phase

 (7.1) Process Management:               
Project leadership
Progress monitoring
Process management
Conflict management
 (7.2) Student Preparation:
The students will be told about the idea for the project 2 weeks before it starts. New ICT tools to be used during the project (i.e. using a spreadsheet for survey results) will be practiced before the project launch.
 (7.3)  Facilitation:
Use of the library and computer equipment will be scheduled and booked in advance.
 (7.4) Progress Monitoring:               
Whole class conference once per week

Group Progress

Team checkpoint meetings as well informally daily checking with teams and individuals on their work.

         Individual Progress

(7.5) Re-planning:
Since student autonomy is low there is low risk of the project going off track. 10% additional time allowance has been included for overrun but the end date cannot be exceeded. There is an option for homework to be used to catch up if necessary.
(7.6) Conflict Management:

Teamwork rules will be included in project launch presentation. Students are asked to initially try to work out conflicts on their own. In the case of a deadlock, issues are to be raised with the teacher. Lack of participation will be dealt with by culprits being removed from the project work and set to work on alternative individual tasks for the duration of the project.

Separation of Substances - Lesson 6

Lesson 6 -The Review Phase

 (6.1)Student Reflection and Evaluation:
One lesson after the end of the project will be dedicated to student reflection and evaluation. Their reflection will cover: what topics I learned about, what new skills I learned, what I liked about the project, what I didn’t like about the project and what I would do differently on the next project. An evaluation form will be completed by each student as a homework assignment.
A subsequent lesson will be used to discuss the observations made by the students.
(6.2) Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
I have prepared a teacher reflection and evaluation form to complete that covers:
  • Successes : We have completed the project effectively with the help , advice and motivation of the incharge teacher Mrs.A C Santhamma
  • Challenges : Nowadays readymade cooking materials are available and majority of the ladies are busy with their works , so less chances of using the different methods of separation .
  • Achievement of project goals :Methods of separation like filtration , evaporation ,condensation etc. used in our day to day life.
  • What I learned : Different methods of separation that I can apply in my daily life.
  • What I would do differently next time : I would like to select a place in rural area and study about these methods more .

(6.3) Assessment of 21st Century skills:
21st Century skill(s)

Resear-ch notes
Problem solving, initiative, ICT

Survey designs
Creativity, problem solving, communication
                                          SEPARATION OF SUBSTANCES
                                     SURVEY (AT HOME)
Date :14-11-16
(Students)1.Q, How do you separate stones from rice or other grains ?
(St)2.Q. Why do you think separation of stones from other grains are important ?
(Aunt)Cause different types of diseases .
(St)3.Q. Do you separate butter from milk or curd by centrifugation or directly buy from the market ?
(Uncle)Yes ,we separate butter from milk or curd by centrifugation .
4.Q. Do you know something about distilled water ? Have you seen doctors giving distilled water to patients or your own
 children ?
(Uncle)Yes , I have seen doctors use distilled water for injection .
5.Q. How distilled water is obtained ? By evaporation or condensation ?
6.Q. If the wheat flour gets mixed up with sugar , how would you separate ?
(Uncle)Decantation or filtration , Evaporation and condensation
7.Q. In your house how would you separate tea leaves from tea ? By sedimentation or filtration ?  
                                          SURVEY(CONSTUCTION SITE)
Date : 15-11-16
1.Q. In construction sites do you think separation of substances is important ?
2.Q. Do you use the sand directly for construction ?
3.Q. Will you separate unwanted particles from sand ?
4.Q. Is it important to separate unwanted substances ?
5.Q. What happens if we directly use sand without separating unwanted particles ?
(Uncle)Will not get proper grip between the particles .
6.Q. Do you separate any other unwanted substances other than from sand ?
7.Q. Which are the other substances ?
(Uncle)We’ll separate cement when it is mixed with water .
8.Q. If cement gets mixed up with water could you separate ?
                                                          SURVEY(AT FIELD)
1.Q.(Students)How do you separate grain from paddy ?
(Farmer)    Ans : By the process of threshing .
2.Q.(St)Whether you are doing threshing immediately after harvesting ?
3.Q.(St)Do you separate husk from rice before storing ?
4.Q.(St)What method do you adopt for that ?
5.Q.(St)Do you separate stones from rice before cooking ?
(Farmer)Yes sure, we separate stones from rice before cooking .
6.Q.(St)If the peanuts and wheat gets mixed up how would you separate ?
7.Q.(St)After harvesting wheat , how would you separate other unwanted substances ?
(Farmer)Threshing and Winnowing
8.Q.(St)What happens if it is not separated ?
(Farmer)We cannot use it in a proper way
9.Q.(St)When do you use the method of winnowing during separation ?
(Farmer)When the grains are separated
10.Q.(St)How would you separate black dal (urad) and husk ?
11.Q.(St)If the seeds of the plants gets mixed up , how would you separate ?

Message boards
ICT, communication, teamwork

Presentation outlines
Initiative, creativity, ICT, communication

          (6.4) Summative Assessment and Grading:               

Survey results
Suryvey questions and results rubric

Table rubric

Methods of separation presentation
Presentation rubric

Blog portfolio
Blog rubric

Separation of Substances - Lesson 5

Lesson 5 - The Do Phase

 (5.1) Project Launch:               
The project will be launched as a group meeting with the whole class. There will be a presentation covering goals, expectations, rules, procedures, assessment and grading. Students will be invited to discuss any of the above and we may make change as a result. The final presentation will be printed and displayed in the classroom as well as being posted in PBL Blog
Define, plan, do, and review cycles will be discussed.
 (5.2) Artifacts:              
Research notes(Project report)
                            Project Report
We started our project based learning (PBL) project on 28.10.16 with the selection of topic , that is , separation of substances . Further we divided the class into 5 groups in which each group composed of 10 members . Each group were given each method of separation as the topic like winnowing , threshing , handpicking etc. They collected information on each topic given to them . The in-charge teacher Mrs. A C Santhamma conducted an awareness talk on the given topic . The students have taken a lesson based on the given topic . They prepared questionnaire on the basis of information collected . The questionnaire was prepared for 3 different sites , that is , construction site , farmers , households . We conducted the survey and further we prepared a table for different methods of separation with the guidance of the in-charge  teacher . The first aid teacher Mrs . Sonia(Nurse) had taken a class based on the importance of methods of separation in our daily life . The children conducted a quiz as a part of presentation . We concluded the project with great enthusiasm and hope . We completed our project on 28.11.16 and submitted the project to principal by 02.12.16 .
Survey designs
                                          SEPARATION OF SUBSTANCES
                                     SURVEY (AT HOME)
Date :14-11-16
(Students)1.Q, How do you separate stones from rice or other grains ?
(St)2.Q. Why do you think separation of stones from other grains are important ?
(Aunt)Cause different types of diseases .
(St)3.Q. Do you separate butter from milk or curd by centrifugation or directly buy from the market ?
(Uncle)Yes ,we separate butter from milk or curd by centrifugation .
4.Q. Do you know something about distilled water ? Have you seen doctors giving distilled water to patients or your own children ?
(Uncle)Yes , I have seen doctors use distilled water for injection .
5.Q. How distilled water is obtained ? By evaporation or condensation ?
6.Q. If the wheat flour gets mixed up with sugar , how would you separate ?
(Uncle)Decantation or filtration , Evaporation and condensation
7.Q. In your house how would you separate tea leaves from tea ? By sedimentation or filtration ?  
                                          SURVEY(CONSTUCTION SITE)
Date : 15-11-16
1.Q. In construction sites do you think separation of substances is important ?
2.Q. Do you use the sand directly for construction ?
3.Q. Will you separate unwanted particles from sand ?
4.Q. Is it important to separate unwanted substances ?
5.Q. What happens if we directly use sand without separating unwanted particles ?
(Uncle)Will not get proper grip between the particles .
6.Q. Do you separate any other unwanted substances other than from sand ?
7.Q. Which are the other substances ?
(Uncle)We’ll separate cement when it is mixed with water .
8.Q. If cement gets mixed up with water could you separate ?
                                                          SURVEY(AT FIELD)
1.Q.(Students)How do you separate grain from paddy ?
(Farmer)    Ans : By the process of threshing .
2.Q.(St)Whether you are doing threshing immediately after harvesting ?
3.Q.(St)Do you separate husk from rice before storing ?
4.Q.(St)What method do you adopt for that ?
5.Q.(St)Do you separate stones from rice before cooking ?
(Farmer)Yes sure, we separate stones from rice before cooking .
6.Q.(St)If the peanuts and wheat gets mixed up how would you separate ?
7.Q.(St)After harvesting wheat , how would you separate other unwanted substances ?
(Farmer)Threshing and Winnowing
8.Q.(St)What happens if it is not separated ?
(Farmer)We cannot use it in a proper way
9.Q.(St)When do you use the method of winnowing during separation ?
(Farmer)When the grains are separated
10.Q.(St)How would you separate black dal (urad) and husk ?
11.Q.(St)If the seeds of the plants gets mixed up , how would you separate ?
Message boards (may be thro’ email/blog/what’s app) (as demonstration of team collaboration)
(5.3) Culminating product:                
Table will be informally presented by each team to the whole class and posted in the classroom.
Methods of separation  presentations will be made by each team to the whole class and to a health service diet specialist.
Posting in Blog will be presented by each team to the teacher.
 (5.4) Celebrating completion:               

A quiz was conducted by the students in the class level as a part of presentation .