Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Children - Lesson 1

1.Project Plan

(1.1)The Define Phase

This Project is a step to help the students of Class IX to explore the following topics related to CHILDREN.
1.      The problems faced by Adolescents.
2.      Values and Life Skills needed by Children of today.
3.      Child Abuse
4.      Children and E-Gadgets.

(1.12)Project Scope:

The students will work in small groups building knowledge in these curriculum areas. The project would help them to understand the difficulties and the advantages of being born in this century and teach them to acquire the skills needed for survival. Children often become victims of many sort of abuses and at times they are unaware of these abuses. They fall prey to the E-gadgets and are total dependent on that and develop a withdrawal symptom if deprived of it.   Through this projects they will learn to draw the limits for it and to use it for constructive purpose.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:

Class IX, MCB Unit "Children"
Being adolescents they go through many bodily and psychological changes.
Awareness created regarding the values and skills they need to have.
A vulnerable age when they go through many types of abuses but are not aware about their rights.
The do's and don'ts of usage of E gadgets.

Conservation of Plants & Animals - Lesson 2

Lesson 2
2.1 Essential Question:         
What will happen if the habitat of an animal is disturbed ?
Why  migratory birds are flying to far away places  ?
Explain the consequences of deforestation.
Identify the areas around your house affected  by violent street dogs.
Give some suggestions to  prohibit the  causes  of violence.
Name the endangered species from the figure.
Locate the national parks in India in the following  map.
Collect some photographs of flora and fauna around your house.

2.2 Grouping Strategy:         
Team will comprise groups of 5 students of mixed gender , and  different ability,attitude and skills.Goal is to promote teamwork in mixed ability groups so that higher ability students get opportunities for peer instruction ,and lower ability students benefit from the more advanced collaboration that will arise from this.

2.3 Learning Environment:  
A group working area in the classroom will be set aside with tables and chairs to allow more effective interaction among team members.A classroom wall near the project area will be set aside to post paper materials collected during research.Computer labs will be used for the majority of the online work.Research notes will be recorded in computers/blogs.Some collaboration between students will take place through email/blog.

2.4Assessment Approach:
                                2.41 Authentic Assessment:
1.Locating National parks,biosphere reserves and sanctuaries in  our state and country in a map.
2.Identifying and preparing of a list of Flora & Fauna.
3.Taking photos of the plants and animals in their locality.
4.Preparing questionnaire for group involvement.     
5.Power point presentations.
2.42 Formative Assessment:
Regular feedback will be provided as the students work on internet and library research,surveys,maps and presentation designs.

2.43 Summative Assessment:
Assessment will be conducted on
1.Team portfolios in presentations/emails.
2.PowerPoint presentation on Flora and Fauna
3. Survey/Questionnaire       

2.44 Rubrics:
Rubrics will be used to assess :
Final presentations

2.45 Gradings:
Project grades will be based on a combination of scores from assessments made during the project.A  rubric will be used to compile grades. 

Mensuration - Lesson 2

Lesson 2
2.1 Essential Question:
1) Find the total expenditure for painting the walls and roof of classroom, putting the window curtains and door curtain and decorating the display boards in the class room.
2) Find the capacity of the water tank having same dimensions of the class room.
2.2 Grouping Strategy:
The entire class is divided into five groups. The activities are planned  as follows:-
Group1:-  Take the measurements of the class room. Find the total surface area of the walls and roof. Find the volume of the classroom.
Group2:- Take the measurements of the display boards. Find the total no of rectangular sheets required to paste on these Boards.
Group3:- Find the measurements of the windows and door and find how much cloth is required to make the window curtains and door curtain.
Group 4:- Find the total expenditure for painting and making the curtains.
Group5:- Make the power point presentation of this project.
2.3 Learning Environment:
;- to take the measurements of a cuboid and rectangle field.
:- the formulae for finding area and perimeter of a rectangle and the formulae for finding the surface area and volume of cuboid.
The students collect the information like  the cost of paint and cloth, labour charge and stitching charge etc. 
2.4Assessment Approach:
                                2.41 Authentic Assessment:
Identification of dimensions with unit.
Use of correct formula
Computation skill
2.42 Formative Assessment:
Presentation of the topic by the group members
Suggestions by the members of other groups
Mapping of the classroom
2.43 Summative Assessment:
            Power point presentation
             Common suggestion/decision taken by the class to minimise the expenditure
2.44 Rubrics:
            1)Originality of the data collected
             2) Presentation
             3) question and answer
             4)Problem solving ability
              5) time bound
2.45 Gradings:
            Each rubrics has 10 points.

Conservation of Plants & Animals - Lesson 1

Conservation of Plants and Animals

1.Project Plan
(1.1)The Define Phase

1. To understand  life of animals in forest.
2.Flora and Fauna.
3.To know about endangered animals,endemic species.

4.Migration of birds.

5.Red data book.
6. To know about important Biosphere reserves,National parks,sanctuaries located in our state and in our country.
7.The disastrous effect of deforestation.
8. Reforestation and forest act
9. Protection of animals .

(1.12)Project Scope:
Students  from  class   VIII .
Subjects  involved : Science  ,  English and  Social science.
Student  work is monitored and managed to avoid students going off track and out of scope.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
Class  VIII  Science  Curriculum  topics and standards related to this  project.
·         Basic living conditions of animals in forest.
·          Name list of Flora & Fauna in their locality.
·         Name of  endemic species and endemic animals.
·         Map showing the locations of  Biosphere reserves,National parks and sanctuaries in the state.
·         Harmful effects of deforestation
·         Important places for migration in birds.

  • External factors causing violence in animals
  • Safety measures taken for protection of animals.