Friday, 18 November 2016

Influence of advertisement in our life - Lesson 1

1.Project Plan
Influence of advertisement in our life
(1.1)The Define Phase
This project is intended to allow class VII students to explore the following topics:
1.       The role of advertisement in daily life.
2.       Influence of  advertisement on social and moral values.
3.       Negative impact of advertisement in students.             
The students will work in small groups building knowledge in these curriculum areas, the project gives students the opportunity to develop specific 21st Century skills.

(1.12)Project Scope:
Students from class VII.

Subjects involved: Social and English

Student research will be monitored and managed to avoid students going off track and out of scope.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
Class VI Science Curriculum topics and standards related to this project:
v  Social Values and Personal Values.
v  Advertising and Democracy.
v  Branding and Poor traders.
v  Profit motive.

Sports & Games - Lesson 3

Lesson 3- Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
      Note: Products are shown in( )’s. Milestones are in bold font.
Classroom instruction: 1. Highlight the importance of sports and games. 2. Talk show on major Indian games. (Group)
Select student groups (student groups)
Research: online and library (research report)
Class activity: Interview with an athlete (report making)
Survey: On  sports magazine(survey report)
Activity: Yoga session (group)
Activity: creating a diet chart for athlete (diet chart)
Activity: A class on rules and regulations of playing cricket (student briefing)
Presentation: scope of indoor games (presentation)
Celebration: release of sports magazine (magazine release)

3.2 Role definitions:
Project leader: teacher will fulfill this role
Survey writer (all students will contribute to this)
Sports advisor: will present the team’s advice to the class
Presentation author
Presenter (all students will take some part in the presentation)

3.3 Task schedule:
Project start date: 1st November 2016
Project end date: 29th November 2016

3.4Special Activities Plan:
Demonstration on First aid.
A game conducted as competition.
Demonstration by a national player- Hemharshad
3.5Resources Plan:
Computer lab: Date and period in the Time Table.
Sports room
Shuttle court
Activity room

3.6 Direct Instruction:
Sessions on rules and regulation on handball.
Paper presentation on injuries.
Role play on match fixing.

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
At the end of every week there will be a 20 minutes class conference to discuss progress, successes and challenges.
A checkpoint meeting for each team will be held for 10 minutes twice per week.

3.8 Assessment plan:
·         Opportunities for authentic assessment will include: the surveys and results, group effort.
·         Formative assessment will primarily focus on the artifacts created by the students during the project. Special attention will be paid to survey prototypes, learning journals and presentation outlines.
·         Summative assessments will be performed on the survey results, presentations on the importance of sports and the portfolios of work.
·         Rubrics prepared: Survey questions.

Sports & Games - Lesson 2

Lesson 2
2.1 Essential Question:
1.       Is sports and really vital?
2.       Why India is lagging in sports and games?
3.       What is the importance of sports and games in the life of a student?
4.       Are sports or games different or same?
5.       Have you heard of
6.       How much medals did India win in Rio Olympics?
7.       How many of you have decided to be an amateur player or athelete?

2.2 Grouping Strategy:
Class will comprise groups of 5 students heterogeneous in nature. One of the goals is to promote teamwork in mixed ability groups so that higher achiever students get opportunities for peer instruction, and late bloomers and average students benefit from the more advanced collaboration that will arise from this.

2.3 Learning Environment:
The furniture will be arranged in a conveniently to have effective interaction among team members. The bulletin board will be utilized for posting paper materials during research. Computer labs, Library, Activity room, School auditorium shall be used for the same

2.4Assessment Approach:
                2.41 Authentic Assessment:
The task like
1.      Documentation of India’s medal tally in International sports events.
2.      Biographic presentation of great players.
3.      Quiz conducted.
2.42 Formative Assessment:
Regular feedback will be provided as the students work on internet and library research, surveys, questionnaire, and presentation designs.   

2.43 Summative Assessment:
Assessment will be conducted on
·         Team  portfolios in blogs/emails
·         PowerPoint presentation on a importance of sports and games

2.44 Rubrics:
Rubrics will be used to assess:
·         Surveys
·         Group presentation
·         Final presentations
·         Blog     

2.45 Gradings:
            Project grades will be based on a combination of scores from assessments made during the project. A rubric will be used to compile grades.            

Sports & Games - Lesson 1

1.Project Plan
Sports and Games

(1.1)The Define Phase

      To Create awareness and inspire children to be active in sports and games (class IX).
The topic will address problems like
1. Stress on academic areas                
2.Sports being neglected
3.Why Indian children couch potatoes?
4. Poor performance of India in sports and games
 The students will work in small groups building knowledge in these curriculum areas, the children become motivated to take part in indoor and outdoor games.                                                                  

(1.12)Project Scope:
Scope: to invite mass participation in sports and appreciation
Class IX C,
To enable children to choose sports and games as a good birth in life.
Subjects interrelated to: Physical education, Science, English
The students will be guided and facilitated to work effectively, so that there will be no digression and wastage of time and energy.
They will be guided to use relevant sources for reference

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:

Class IX, Science curriculum topics and standards related to this project:
·         Growth and development: organs developed in sports
·         Digestion: name the process that aids digestion.
·         Food and nutrition: balanced diet: name the body building food
·         Health: Explain the characteristics of a healthy person and highlight why it is important
·         Physical Education: discuss how to identify kinetic intelligence and methods to develop.

Children - Lesson 7

 Lesson 7

The Manage Phase

(7.1) Process Management:
Project leadership
Progress monitoring
Process management
Conflict management

(7.2) Student Preparation:
The students are told about the idea for the project 3weeks before it started. New ICT tools to be used during the project (i.e. using a spreadsheet for survey results) will be practiced before the project launch.

(7.3)  Facilitation:
Use of the library and computer lab with internet facility will be scheduled and booked in advance. Students are advised to use the computer labs if they are have time provided the Instructor allows them. Parents also will be asked to provide support and cooperation if the need is felt.
(7.4) Progress Monitoring:
Whole class conference once per week

Group Progress

Team checkpoint meetings as well informally daily checking with teams and individuals on their work.

Individual             Progress

(7.5) Re-planning:
Since student autonomy is low there is low risk of the project going off track. 10% additional time allowance has been included for overrun but the end date cannot be exceeded. There is an option for homework to be used to catch up if necessary.

(7.6) Conflict Management:
Teamwork rules will be included in project launch presentation. Students are asked to initially try to work out conflicts on their own. In the case of a deadlock, issues are to be raised with the teacher. Lack of participation will be dealt with by culprits being removed from the project work and set to work on alternative individual tasks for the duration of the project.

Children - Lesson 6

 Lesson- 6

The Review Phase

 (6.1)Student Reflection and Evaluation:
One lesson after the end of the project will be dedicated to student reflection and evaluation. Their reflection will cover: what  I learned about the topic, what new skills I learned, what I liked about the project, what I didn’t like about the project and what I would do differently on the next project. An evaluation form will be completed by each student as a homework assignment.
A subsequent lesson will be used to discuss the observations made by the students.

(6.2) Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
A  teacher reflection and evaluation form has to be   completed that would  cover:
  • Successes
  • Challenges
  • Achievement of project goals
  • What I learned
  • What I would do differently next time

(6.3) Assessment of 21st Century skills:
                List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment
21st Century skill(s)
Research notes
Problem solving, initiative, ICT
Survey designs
Creativity, problem solving, communication
Message boards
ICT, communication, teamwork
Presentation outlines
Initiative, creativity, ICT, communication

 (6.4) Summative Assessment and Grading:
                List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading
Survey results
Suryvey questions and results rubric

Diet sheets
Diet sheet rubric

Balanced diet presentation
Presentation rubric

Blog portfolio
Blog rubric