Thursday, 1 December 2016

Water - A Precious Resource - Lesson 3

Lesson 3- Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:  
Ø  Classroom instruction: Basic information on1. Hydrosphere 2.Water pollution3.Water conservation.
Ø  Select student groups.
Ø  Giving task to student groups.
Ø  Research: online and library (research report).
Ø  Survey: Data collection of Public wells, public taps and rain water harvesters in the selected locality.(survey reports)
Ø  Survey: Reasons for the water pollution. (survey reports and statistical analysis)
Ø  Activity:  Experiments (Different methods to purify water).
Ø  Activity: Chart preparation
Ø  Presentation: Power point presentation on Tips to conserve water.(student’s briefing)
Ø  Mini exhibition on water as a precious resource.

3.2 Role definitions: 
Ø  Project leader: Teacher will fulfill this role
Ø  Researcher: All students will be the part of online research and library research.
Ø  Survey writer : Surveyor (all students will contribute to this)
Ø  Presentation author : Presenter (all students will take some part in the presentation)

3.3 Task schedule:     
Ø   Date of Project Launch: 1/11/2016
Ø  Closing date of Project:  30/11/2016

3.4Special Activities Plan:     
·         Speech by resource person on water conservation.
·         Mini exhibition on Water a precious resource.
3.5Resources Plan:
Computer lab: Date and period in the Time Table.

3.6 Direct Instruction:
Ø  Direct sessions on tips to conserve water at home.
Ø  Availability of potable water.
Ø  Creating survey.

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:             
At the end of every week there will be 20 minutes discussion to discuss the progress, successes and challenges.
A checkpoint meeting for each team will be held for 10 minutes twice per week.

3.8 Assessment plan:
Ø  Authentic assessment: 1.Closing the taps after use in school premise 2. Surveys and results 3.Experiments and presentations.
Ø  Formative assessment:
Summative assessments will be performed on the survey results, presentations
Ø  Rubrics prepared: Preparation of questionnaire and Result rubrics, data sheet rubrics and statistical analysis.