Thursday, 17 November 2016

Children - Lesson 3

Lesson 3- Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
The entire project consists of tasks to be finished at the stipulated time.
Formation of groups
Group leaders and assistant Group Leaders
Dividing the work among the group members
Referring various sites and having a discussion among the members
Research: online and library (research report)
       Preparing the questionnaire
Conducting the survey
Compiling all the results
Arranging meetings
Analyzing the Findings
Preparing the Report
Briefing of the Report
        Presentation: Children (presentation)
Celebration: a “mini exhibition” on “Pains and pleasures of childhood- An eye opener for parents(exhibition)

3.2 Role definitions:
Project leader: teacher will fulfill this role
Team leader:
Heading the meeting
Allotting the tasks to different members
Preparing the Questionnaire
Survey writer (all students will contribute to this)
Presentation author
Presenter (all students will take some part in the presentation

3.3 Task schedule:
Project start date 1st November,2016
Project end date 30 November, 2016

3.4Special Activities Plan:
A  talk will take place on 21-11-16

Mini exhibition: 28-11-16

3.5Resources Plan:
Computer lab: Date and period in the Time Table
Wednesdays 2nd period
Thursdays     8th period

3.6 Direct Instruction:
Basics of all the Sub topics; a skeletal frame work
The groups attended to separately
               Creating a survey

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
Every Friday in the English period there will be a 20 minutes class conference to discuss progress, successes and challenges.
A checkpoint meeting for each team will be held for 10 minutes twice per week

3.8 Assessment plan:

Opportunities for authentic assessment will include: the surveys and results
Formative assessment will primarily focus on the artifacts created by the students during the project. Special attention will be paid to survey prototypes, learning journals and presentation outlines.
Summative assessments will be performed on the survey results, presentations on the findings they have arrived at and the portfolios of work.
Rubrics prepared: Survey questions and results rubric, , grading rubric.