Saturday 17 December 2016

Data Handling - Lesson 3

Lesson 3
Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
Classroom instructions: 
1)How to collect data
2) Making frequency distribution table using Tally marks.
3) Drawing Bar graph in the graph paper using correct scale.
Select student groups
Research: Data and how to prepare power point presentations.
Survey: Make survey  of students in class VI of  different houses. 
Activity: Drawing a Bar graph  of  their SA1 marks  in different subjects.
Presentation: presenting raw data, data in frequency distribution table, data using Bar graph.

3.2 Role definition:
            List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project Leader: Teacher
Research: helped by the computer instructor, class teachers of class VI A, VI B, VI C in giving data.
Survey: students
Presenter: all students

3.3 Task schedule:
Project  start  date: 5/10/16
Project  end date: 15th  December
Activity: Making Bar graph.

3.4Special Activities Plan:
Drawn Bar graph of their marks which they got in SA1 examination in all the subjects.
Collecting Bar graphs from the News papers and magazines which are providing different kinds of information.
3.5Resource Plan:
Computer Lab: Tuesday -       4th  period.
                          Thursday – 8th period.
Data from the Class teachers of class VI.

3.6 Direct Instruction:
1)      Collection of raw data
2)      Making of frequency distribution table using Tally marks
3)      Drawing  Bar graph
4)      Making power point presentations and drawing Bar graphs in it.

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
On every Wednesday after school few teams per week wait and discuss the progress and  challenges made during the making of the project.

3.8 Assessment plan:
Authentic assessment will include the survey and research in computer.
Formative assessment will primarily focus on the artifacts made by the students.
Summative assessments will be performed on the survey done and presentation made.
Rubrics prepared: Survey result rubric, Presentation rubric and grading rubric.